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Flexibility-Stretch Así como la fuerza, la resistencia y la velocidad, LA FLEXIBILIDAD es una capacidad física importante a trabajar, y no solo porque logra generar un mayor impacto visual en cuanto a lo estético, sino porque también permite aumentar la amplitud de los movimientos. Mejorar la postura, coordinación y agilidad. CONSEJOS PARA CUALQUIER TIPO DE ESTIRAMIENTO. - Nunca estirar drásticamente. - Siempre en relajación total. - Respiración lenta, rítmica y controlada. - Comenzar siempre por el lado menos flexible. - Mantener siempre la cabeza erguida como prolongación de la espalda. - Inclinarse adelante desde las caderas y sin curvar la espalda. - Espirar en el momento del estiramiento. Hugo Cascia Stretching Trainerhttps://cintasdeelongacion.blogspot.com/


Publicado por StrechVitalBalance activado 22 Diciembre 2013, 09:46am

Etiquetas: #Wellness-elongacion


Stretch Fitness is a boutique personal training service based in Kenosha, WI with a focus on 1:1 strength training and weight management programs by women, for women. Stretch Fitness employs a unique personal approach to fitness training and nutrition, and all clients undergo a complete assessment and collaborative program planning session before training begins.

Stretch Fitness does not use a "bootcamp" methodology like many of the fad fitness programs today, but delivers an intimate and comprehensive approach to goal-setting, strength training, endurance, flexibility, core strength, and nutrition.

At Stretch, you won't ever deal with crowds, monthly gym membership fees or the intimidation of training in front of the public eye, because every private session takes place at our fully functional residential facility. In addition, all packages include a variety of custom online training programs that are tailored to your specific fitness goals, and can be performed from the comfort of your own home, with minimal equipment.

Whether you want to build muscle, lose fat, tone, sculpt, or just get back into the shape you were 10 years ago, Stretch Fitness can help you get there... all it needs is you. So what are you waiting for? Define Yourself.

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